Compulsive Gamblers Anonymous (CGA)

Compulsive Gamblers Anonymous (CGA) is a fellowship of people that get together, learn, share, and recover from Compulsive Gambling and Compulsive thinking through the 12 Steps. Our main purpose is to help each other recover from the compulsive, addictive and destructive behavior that is Compulsive Gambling, so that we can help others do the same. Unlike many other 12 steps groups, we encourage members to seek outside help when it comes to financial problems, mental health problems and an array of other issues that members of CGA are simply not qualified to deal with. Our aim is to allow you to Love and be Loved into a spiritual way of life in order to the thinking, living and feeling patterns that made life for us boring, depressing and meaningless. We are a modern fellowship of people that works within the reality of the modern world, where Online Gambling, Compulsive living and a never-ending barrage of temptation makes it impossible to avoid those toxic, addictive and destructive environments that ultimately leads to our destruction. For recovery to be sustainable and effective the change must come from within; avoidance does not work. It never has. We recover through changes in our attitudes, thoughts and action via the 12 Steps. We also seek the help we need from outside agencies. Additionally and most importantly, we make our daily lives about sharing, contributing and giving, as opposed to taking, manipulating, lying and dreaming.   

The 12 Steps of Compulsive Gamblers Anonymous (CGA)

From the start of our entry into CGA, we place the focus very much on going through the 12-step program, attending regular meetings, taking our lives one minute/hour/day at a time and where it is healthy, putting other people’s needs as a priority, most especially those we have harmed from our compulsive thinking, gambling and behavior including our families, communities, and those we have been close to.  For us, our present and future lives depends completely on love, kindness, and real change to everyone.  The more we give, the more we recover. This is our mantra.  As a Modern Fellowship, we have no problem with the terms “pathological gambling” or “problem gambling” or a “gambling disorder”, knowing in truth that these words are simply referring and describing the hellish state of mind, body and soul we have lived through. Our program is spiritual in nature – but the problems we face are multifaceted and complex. 


    ANTI – SPAM: Please Answer the following Question

    Love is the answer – The Spiritual Program of CGA

    Limiting, Stopping, Barring, Self-Excluding, Promising, Running, Racing, Blocking,  Avoiding and Quitting are some of the failed techniques we used in the hope we could avoid the real problem, but none of these worked for very long (If at all), because the core issue is within us.  Every time we tried to fight our way out of compulsive Gambling, Thinking and Living, we were overcome by the very essence of our being – which in and of itself is the very power that was destroying us. We were nearly always led into failure at one level or another, unless we found something other then ourselves to power us through. The power we need to stop gambling must come from somewhere else. But Where?   Some call it the group. Some call it God. Others call it love itself. Whatever you call it, we need something to replace the urge to live in a fantasy land full of death, false promises, destruction, fantasy, and mental, emotional, and spiritual hellfire. We need the group. We need the light. We need our true selves and we especially need a community of fellow sufferers who have found a new way to think, act, live and Love.  The core principles and truths that we found in CGA will give us a  reality that is void of the boredom, depression, darkness, and in some cases, suicidal thoughts and actions. There is hope out of the darkness. There is a way through.